Sunday, February 17, 2013

I am

      Born Brian Kevin Raindance Laufer. I am what some would call peaceful. I handle most situations pretty well. I’ve worked with my fears though self inquiry, self scrutiny, and strive to be consciously aware. I believe most of us feel embarrassed at times. I have a mother (though loving) has been one of my greatest teachers of solidarity. Essentially, she taught me never to be embarrassed in public situations. For if I chose to be, she would embarrass me constantly. I trained myself to not care what people think of me. For my mother I love, I am thankful.
      I happen to love speaking to the class, asking questions, and answering them. It’s the most thrilling to share my views, with a deeper intention of sharing understanding, knowledge, wisdom. I like to say: it’s not words that are the truth, but the meaning, feelings, and understanding behind them that has “the effect” on you. I tend to branch off on what I feel is important.
     Ok, who am I. An important question to ask, I feel. Perchance sharing my passions in life will help you know who I am. I said when I was very young (about 4 years old) that “I want to be a nature man”. I still stick to that proclamation, and I couldn’t say it better myself. I am very much here to serve humanity, though I would most like to surround myself in nature at the same time (if possible). I am in wonderment over anything to do with nature, including human nature. Growing things is something I could not live without. I am working towards acquiring my own land so as I may build a garden paradise on the earth. Perhaps my dream will expand to be called a eco-village and spiritual retreat for the wandering seekers to rest and heal them selves with the love that the garden provides. Overall, I believe that if you unconditionally and selflessly love then all will be taken care of. Also you will be content with your life and always be happy. At least, that's how I see things.

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